Koru Medical Spa

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Should I Fast?

Fasting seems to be all the rage right now. Is it just a fad? Or is there a reason so many people are jumping on the bandwagon?  Before you decide whether you should fast or not, let’s first educate ourselves on a bit of what fasting really is.

What is Fasting? 

Fasting is the process that occurs once your body has burned through the calories that it received during your last meal and begins to burn fat. Most of us typically only experience fasting during the time we sleep hence breakfast, “break - fast.” Throughout history, fasting has been practiced for many reasons including religious traditions, spirituality, diet and health reasons.

How do I Fast?

There are numerous ways to fast. Intermittent fasting is a popular method where you abstain from food for 10-19hours per day. Some people prefer fasting one day a week and some try for a 3-30 day fast (the latter being only for those who are medically supervised and have done shorter fasting in the past). 

During the fasting phase your body is in a state of detox. This means it’s basically cleaning house. This house cleaning supports metabolism and the mitochondria which scientists believe may be a key to anti-aging and regenerative medicine. 

Benefits of fasting include:

  • Weight Loss

  • Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Blood Pressure Maintenance

  • Decrease Inflammation

  • Clearer Skin

  • Gut Healing

  • Increased Energy

  • Clear Mind

  • Anti-Aging

The benefits of fasting are clear! It can be used as an excellent reset when needed or a lifestyle to stay healthy by. No matter where you are in your journey, there is a fasting program that can benefit you. 

*Fasting, even intermittent fasting, needs to have breaks every now and then to avoid interfering with hormone functioning so be sure to check with a healthcare professional before starting your own fasting program. 

**Certain fasts may not be safe for everyone and are best done under medical supervision. Please consult your doctor before starting a fast. 

Dr. Stephanie Spenny, ND 

Join us for 2022 Detox Reset Jan 10th-14th

Reset your body, mind and spirit and get back to the energetic, healthy, vibrant version of yourself.

This 5 day fast will be guided by our Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Stephanie using the ProLon Fast Mimicking Diet. ProLon is the first and only clinically tested, doctor recommended fasting meal program.

Program Includes:

  • 1 - Prolon 5 day Fasting Mimicking Diet Kit (Plant-Based)

  • 1 - 30 min individual session with Dr. Stephanie, in person or via Zoom

  • 3 - 30min group zoom check in’s


  • Early Bird Special $300

  • After Dec 28th $375

  • (Last day to join is Jan. 7th)